

Joe Biden 2021-


Joe Clark 1979-1980


Joseph Gargery (a.k.a. Joe) 1860 Great Expectations
Joe Hardy 1927 The Tower Treasure


Joe Mangus 1994 Party of Five


(song of the year) Joe South 1970 Games People Play


(baseball) Joe McGinnity 1946
(baseball) Joe Tinker 1946
(ice hockey) Joe Malone 1950
(baseball) Joe DiMaggio 1955
(baseball) Joe Cronin 1956
(ice hockey) Joe Hall 1961
(ice hockey) Harold "Bullet Joe" Simpson (a.k.a. Joe) 1962
(football) Joseph Carr (a.k.a. Joe) 1963
(ice hockey) Joe Primeau 1963
(football) Joe Guyon 1966
(basketball) Joe Lapchick 1966
(football) Joe Stydahar 1967
(baseball) Joe Medwick 1968
(football) Joe Perry 1969
(baseball) Joe Kelley 1971
(football) Joe Schmidt 1973
(baseball) Joe Sewell 1977
(basketball) Joe Fulks 1977
(football) Joe Namath 1985
(football) Joe Greene 1987
(baseball) Joe Morgan 1990
(football) Joe Gibbs 1996
(baseball) "Bullet" Joe Rogan 1998
(baseball) "Smokey" Joe Williams 1999
(football) Joe Montana 2000
(ice hockey) Joe Mullen 2000
(football) Joe DeLamielleure 2003
(basketball) Joe Dumars 2006
(baseball) Joe Gordon 2009
(ice hockey) Joe Nieuwendyk 2011
(ice hockey) Joe Sakic 2012
(baseball) Joe Torre 2014


Joe Medwick 1937 baseball
Joe DiMaggio 1939; 1941; 1947 baseball
Joe Gordon 1942 baseball
Joe Torre 1971 baseball
Joe Morgan 1975; 1976 baseball
Joe Theismann 1983 football
Joe Montana 1989; 1990 football
Joe Sakic 2001 ice hockey
Joe Thornton 2006 ice hockey
Joe Mauer 2009 baseball


Joe Pesci 1943-
Joe Spano 1946-
Joe Mantegna 1947-
Joe Longthorne 1955-2019
Joe Lando 1961-
Joe Manganiello 1976-
Joe Dinicol 1983-
Joe Dempsie 1987-
Joe Jonas 1989-
Joe Adler 1993-


(baseball) Joe McGinnity 1871-1929
(baseball) Joe Kelley 1871-1943
(baseball) Joe Tinker 1880-1948
(ice hockey) Joe Hall 1881-1919
(baseball) "Smokey" Joe Williams 1886-1951
(ice hockey) Joe Malone 1890-1969
(football) Joe Guyon 1892-1971
(baseball) "Bullet" Joe Rogan 1893-1967
(ice hockey) Harold "Bullet Joe" Simpson (a.k.a. Joe) 1893-1973
(baseball) Joe Sewell 1898-1990
(basketball) Joe Lapchick 1900-1970
(ice hockey) Joe Primeau 1906-1989
(baseball) Joe Cronin 1906-1984
(baseball) Joe Medwick 1911-1975
(football) Joe Stydahar 1912-1977
(boxing) Joe Louis 1914-1981
(baseball) Joe DiMaggio 1914-1999
(baseball) Joe Gordon 1915-1978
(basketball) Joe Fulks 1921-1976
(soccer) Joe Gaetjens 1924-1964
(football) Joe Perry 1927-2011
(football) Joe Schmidt 1932-
(baseball) Joe Torre 1940-
(football) Joe Namath 1943-
(baseball) Joe Morgan 1943-2020
(boxing) Joe Frazier 1944-2011
(football) Joe Greene 1946-
(football) Joe Theismann 1949-
(football) Joe DeLamielleure 1951-
(basketball) Joe Bryant 1954-
(football) Joe Montana 1956-
(ice hockey) Joe Mullen 1957-
(basketball) Joe Dumars 1963-
(rugby) Joe Schmidt 1965-
(ice hockey) Joe Nieuwendyk 1966-
(ice hockey) Joe Sakic 1969-
(tennis) Mary Joe Fernández 1971-
(ice hockey) Joe Thornton 1979-
(baseball) Joe Mauer 1983-
(rugby) Joe Tekori 1983-
(football) Joe Webb 1986-
(soccer) Joe Ledley 1987-
(soccer) Joe Hart 1987-
(rugby) Joe Moody 1988-
(football) Joe Barksdale 1989-
(rugby) Joe Tomane 1990-
(soccer) Joe Allen 1990-
(rugby) Joe Marler 1990-
(rugby) Joe Launchbury 1991-
(rugby) Joe Taufete'e 1992-


Joe Perry 1950- rock
Joe Strummer 1952-2002
Joe Longthorne 1955-2019
Billie Joe Armstrong 1972- rock
Joe Jonas 1989- pop


(gold) Joseph Ruddy (a.k.a. Joe) 1904 swimming - 4x50 yard freestyle relay
(gold) Joe Deakin 1908 3 mile team
(bronze) William Cottrill (a.k.a. Joe) 1912 3000 m team
(silver) Charles Edward Blewitt (a.k.a. Joe) 1920 3000 m team
(bronze) Joe McCluskey 1932 3000 m steeplechase
(gold) Joe Fortenberry 1936 basketball
(gold) Joseph Verdeur (a.k.a. Joe) 1948 swimming - 200 m breaststroke
(bronze) Josiah Henson (a.k.a. Joe) 1952 wrestling
(gold) Joe Caldwell 1964 basketball
(silver) Joseph Bottom (a.k.a. Joe) 1976 swimming - 100 m butterfly
(gold) Joe Kleine 1984 basketball
(gold) Joe DeLoach 1988 200 m
(bronze) Joe Greene 1992; 1996 long jump
(gold/bronze) Joseph Hudepohl (a.k.a. Joe) 1992; 1996 swimming - 4x100 m freestyle relay; swimming - 4x200 m freestyle relay
(bronze/gold) Mary Joe Fernández 1992; 1996 tennis
(silver) John Joe Nevin 2012 boxing


(actor) Joe Pesci 1990 GoodFellas


Joe Camel 1987 corporate mascot


Prime Minister Joe Bossano 1988-1996 Gibraltar


(song) Joe 1966 Hey Joe
(song) Billie Joe 1967 Ode To Billie Joe
(song) Joe 1968 Joe 90 Theme
(song) Joe 1979 Joe's Garage
(song) Joe 1984 Holy Joe From Scabsville
(song) Joe 1994 Cotton Eye Joe
(song) Joe 1995 Joe The Georgian
(musical) Joe 1995 Smokey Joe's Cafe
(song) Joe 2002 Waitin' On Joe
(song) Joe 2003 Joe's Head
(song) Joe 2004 Hello Joe
(book) Joe 2005 Totally Joe
(book) Joe 2010 My Name is Joe
(book) Joe 2011 When I Was Joe
(song) John Joe 2012 It's O.K. John Joe
(film) Joe 2013 Joe


不过,我不喜欢拜登,这只是我的看法。然而,撇开政治不谈,我认为[Jo]]e是[Jo]]seph的一个很好的昵称 - 匿名用户 8/21/2020

谁是[Jo]]e?不过说真的,现在有这个名字的孩子会对它感到恼火。 - 匿名用户 3/22/2020

我不想和[Jo]]e一起上课布劳霍的[Jo]]e?我是妈妈。如果你给你的孩子起名叫Joe,他们将不得不面对24/7的生活。 - 匿名用户 3/20/2020

我觉得对一个男孩来说,e是个很酷的名字!老实说,在我看到这些评论之前,我从来没有听过[Jo]]e MamaJoke。这个名字实际上已经不再经常使用了。我也爱你! - 匿名用户 6/9/2020

前副总统兼美国总统候选人拜登。 - 匿名用户 7/3/2020

第46任美国总统,拜登。 - 匿名用户 2/15/2021

我更喜欢把它作为[Jo]]seph的昵称。 - 匿名用户 3/11/2021

别忘了GI-[Jo]]e.;) - 匿名用户 7/23/2006

是[Jo]]seph或[Jo]]sé的好绰号。 - 匿名用户 12/9/2020

我觉得seph这个名字太严肃了。这个名字Joe是指像我这样善良、甜美、慷慨的小个子 - 匿名用户 6/5/2017

谁是[Jo]]e?哦,是的,我是妈妈。 - 匿名用户 5/9/2020

[Jo]]e来自电视节目《不切实际》中的[Jo]]kers有这个名字。 - 匿名用户 2/16/2018

[Jo]]e来自《你》节目。 - 匿名用户 9/6/2020

我有一个儿子叫Joe,他肯定不是普通的Joe;这是一种消极的思维模式。[Jo]]e是一个永远不会过时的名字。是的,很酷 - 匿名用户 6/14/2011

凯特·温斯莱特有一个儿子名叫Joe。 - 匿名用户 8/11/2005

听起来像是一个很酷的爵士音乐家的名字。。。很酷。 - 匿名用户 2/14/2021

我认为Joe是一个普通人的普通名字,但却是一个强有力的名字。我知道孩子、大人和老人都叫Joe,它真的从来没有约会过。我还认为它与各种各样的姓氏有关。 - 匿名用户 8/13/2011

[Jo]e Swanson是电视剧《家庭男人》中的一个角色。 - 匿名用户 11/19/2014

我喜欢男孩的名字Joe!这是一个非常可爱、快乐、有趣和友好的名字!=) - 匿名用户 10/22/2014

Jo对一个女孩来说可能有点可爱。我有一个姑姑Jo,是Josephine的缩写,她从来没有用过,还有一个姑姑Jolene,她经常被称为“Jo”。 - 匿名用户 12/27/2018

我喜欢这个名字。它有个性。我弟弟有这个名字,真的很适合他。这也让我想起了那场冲突的最后一位[Jo]]e Strummer,尽管他不是真名。 - 匿名用户 3/4/2019

你必须喜欢Joe这个名字。任何叫Joe的人都会喜欢他们的名字,因为这个名字很棒,没有什么不好的地方。这个名字听起来很不错[Jo]e是国王,他将统治你! - 匿名用户 11/8/2008

我觉得这个名字有点用过头了。我倾向于喜欢更显眼的名字。 - 匿名用户 10/13/2009

平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的,平均的。 - 匿名用户 12/27/2018

萨基奇是一名曲棍球运动员,他的整个职业生涯都在魁北克-北欧魁北克/科罗拉多雪崩队打球,到目前为止,他是雪崩队唯一的队长。 - 匿名用户 4/6/2009

我姐姐的名字叫Jordan,她最好的朋友简称她“Joe”。不,不是“Jo”,Joe。我不知道,她的朋友甚至写信给“Joe”。 - 匿名用户 4/25/2009

非常好。在我的一个故事中,我用它来形容一个男孩。如果我被迫要一个男孩,他将被称为Joe,我会叫他Jonah或Jonas。不是[Jo]]seph或[Jo]]sef。 - 匿名用户 6/18/2008

强大而伟大的名字。如此简单却又如此美好。 - 匿名用户 9/26/2021

著名的演奏家:Aerosmith的首席吉他手[Jo]]e Perry,明尼苏达双胞胎的拳击手[Jo]]e Frazier,[Jo]]e Mauer,RHCP的拳击手[Jo]]e Louis,[Jo]]e Frusciante(尽管不在乎他们)。 - 匿名用户 7/22/2017

这个昵称让我想起了格拉斯Joe,任天堂出品的打孔游戏中的一个懦弱的法国人。他很有趣。 - 匿名用户 6/3/2012
